Purity culture
Purity culture

My body was a source of embarrassment to me and so I disconnected from it. It didn’t make any sense to me why someone would want to do such a thing. My mom explained what it actually was and I was pretty grossed out by the concept. I do remember that they had talked about oral sex in class and I thought that it meant talking dirty. I was embarassed not because I didn’t know stuff, but because we were talking about it at all! She seemed to understand that I didn’t really know much about sex and that I might be embarrassed by that.

#Purity culture series#

There must have been a series in Sunday school that was a little more in-depth because I remember a car ride home after church and my mom asking me what I thought about Sunday school. Which seemed fine to me because sex wasn’t something I was interested in. For one thing I wasn’t all that interested in dating and so it seemed overkill, but for another once we heard their schtick once, we kind of got the gist! Don’t have sex. What I do remember is that every year, around Valentine’s Day, they would have a youth group series on sex and dating.

purity culture

I don’t remember ever getting any sex education at school–I went to a private Christian school from first through sixth grade–or at home–I was homeschooled from 7th through 12th grade. Pretty much all I knew about sex was that you shouldn’t do it until you were married. Sex was pretty much a mystery to me, growing up as I did in a conservative, evangelical home.

Purity culture